Upsides of Dyslexia Processing Power
✅ Is FOSO [Fear of Speaking Out] Holding You Back?
Is FOSO [Fear of Speaking Out] Holding You Back?
✅ When is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
When is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?
To Know is Better Than to Not Know...
A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.” - Lois Wyse
Think of AI as a tool that supports you, not replaces you.
Because dyslexia shapes your world, a big part of succeeding on your terms is understanding your relationship to it.
You can achieve greatness, bad-assery and even world domination if that's your jam.
You only need to be confident a few seconds at a time.....
I know you can do the job but can you get the job?