"You Can't Handle the Fruit"

How to Speak Fruit to Power in Any Room

Being trapped is the worse.

Locked up, frustrated, stifled!

And no, this isn't about bustin’ out of Alcatraz

It's about having dyslexic brain power but not being unable to express it.

You've heard it before.

Dyslexics are known for out of the box thinking, seeing solutions that others miss, great spatial awareness and yadda, yadda, yadda.

Sounds like winning, right? So what's the problem?

Well imagine you’re you! 

Dyslexic, on a team at work and you have FOSO: Fear of Speaking Out.

And at least once a week, your frustration boils during team meetings…

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Reverse Fruition

You know the scene.

Your co-workers talk over each other, rushing to solutions.

Words and slides fly across screens faster than you can say “this is like deja-vu all over again”.

And there it is - you see it clear as day.

They're about to charge off in completely the wrong direction.


Your heart races, palms sweat.

You have a better way.

But explaining it is too hard….

You feel trapped.


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Repeat Offenders

Every week, the same story.

You watch good people make things harder than they need to be.

Meanwhile your solutions stay handcuffed in your head.

But rest assured, you're not alone. 

Here's what one LEX professional shared about working with his team recently:

"In meetings, I see the bigger picture and its implications from all the different angles. But trying to get them to see it too is soooo hard. The level of background I need to lay first, to get them to see what I see, makes it impossible to hold their attention long enough to deliver the actual fix"

This isn't about you necessarily being smarter than the “earthlings”...

It's about a communication gap that's hurting everyone involved.

The Fruits of Your Labor 

This stops today. 

Because the Fruits of your thinking are too valuable to waste. 

It's time to express your talent…

Rearrange the variables in your favor.

Think about it like this:

X = The brilliant solution in your head

Y = Input from the earthlings

Z = Your final deliverable

Right now, you've trying to jump straight from X to Z and skipping Y.

From brilliant insight to perfect explanation. 

No wonder it's not working.

You're leaving the ham out of the ham sandwich.

And the “earthlings” are all like


Jamon Jamon 

So let's put some Ham into it! 

Y is the bridge between your brilliance and your co-workers' understanding of how you solve problems.

Here's the trick: 

Ask your colleaguies and co-workers Open-ended questions. 

Open ended questions start with What, How, When, Where or Why.

Whereas Closed ended questions are ones that can be answered with a simple Yes or No.

"What was your favorite part of the movie?" (Gets them talking about characters, scenes, emotions, plot points)

"Did you like the movie?" (Just gets "yes" or "no")

See how the first one naturally leads to stories and details while the second stops the conversation cold?

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Once you get them talking, you're cookin’.

You’re gathering intel - their level of understanding, priorities and objections in their words.

This works anywhere - from boardrooms to classrooms, family dinners to friend meetups.

Now you can feed your brilliant solution back to them using their own vocabulary. 

And as you speak their language, they'll feel such ownership they might think it was their idea. (Let them.)

Every question answered makes you a more confident communicator.

In a tech-heavy world, solid connection and communication skills are irreplaceable.

As you master these conversations, doors open and your professional value rises along with your skill-set.

This means more responsibility, influence and/or income for you.

The truth is, LEX. 

You've conquered every obstacle that's ever crossed your path. 

You, friend, CAN definitely - Handle the Fruit!


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