🎧To the Left, To the Left - No, the Other Left!

✅ The Visibly Invisible Pressure to Get It Right

Hey LEX-

It seems like just yesterday you were asking Santa for that little pony.

And look at you now…

Already trotting in the back half of January 2025.

How does 2025 feel so far?

Don’t worry - I’m not going to ask you about Resolutions….

I’m just making sure you and your pony hit the ground running!


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Through a simple navigation metaphor of "left vs. right," this piece explores how the constant threat of correction shapes every relationship dyslexics have - including with themselves.

Research reveals an uncomfortable truth: spending energy trying to avoid correction might be more exhausting than being wrong.

The piece offers insights into how dyslexics can release themselves from this self-imposed pressure and reframe their relationship with mistakes.

Now hear this! ⬇️

How was it?


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