Pulp Friction in Dyslexic Professionals

When is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

Ever wonder if all your hard work as a dyslexic professional is really paying off?

Over many years, I've been a dishwasher, bouncer, sales guy, partner in legal services, and dyslexia advocate. Along the way, I've made enough questionable choices to earn my share of cover spots on Bad Decisions Weekly.

The kicker? My biggest lessons have come from projects, jobs and relationships that didn't work out.

As dyslexic professionals, we’re bogged down by work struggles.

We say we barely have time to look up, let alone chase what we really want.

We know reaching higher means sacrifice.

“But is the juice worth the squeeze?”

It’s Not Gonna Squeeze Itself 

Every good book, guru and bumper sticker will tell you it’s always about the journey and not the - yadda, yadda, yadda.

They’re right…

But maybe your hesitation in going bigger runs deeper than your full calendar.


We’ve done the research.

Dyslexics dream big but can get stuck in neutral. 

So if that’s you, you’re not alone…

That's where the Zone of Power comes in - a space for unlocking your dyslexic advantage professionally and socially.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

So, are you ready to decide if your next big thing is worth the squeeze?

Here's how to do it for free (and save face if you change your mind).


Dig into why you want (or don't want) an opportunity or a change.

a). What are your big, medium, and small reasons?

b). Is it driven by service, money, ego, spite, fear, boredom, love, challenge?

c). Use phone recorders, Otter AI & the Rev App to capture your thoughts; send to Notes, Notion, Google Docs, or the Journey app.


Super-capable dyslexics often sit on dreams, too embarrassed to ask questions while the world drowns in data.

a). Explore your idea on Giga Brain or Reddit. Giga Brain scans billions of online comments to find the most relevant insights.

b). For entrepreneurial ideas or market research, use Answer the Public to tap into real people's opinions.

c). Armed with this knowledge, find "Your People" through Facebook groups or Meetup dot com. See if the topic still excites you.


Two years of research revealed a hidden obstacle keeping dyslexic professionals from their next level.

a). Did you download this yet? Find out which hidden patterns are influencing your career in the free - click 👉 Know Your Dyslexia Guidebook and Exclusive Podcast. It’s in the email we sent you entitled - Your Free Gift: The Head and Heart of Dyslexic Professionals.

b). Share the Zone of Power newsletter with those you know need it

c). Email us with feedback, questions and suggestions.

Be the Squeezer, Not the Squozen 

squeeze grip GIF

You're a born Squeezer, not a bystander.

Dyslexic moments from your past, while not your fault, still shape your present.

These old wounds can push you into resistance, making you second-guess who you are.

The result is an unsure version of yourself struggling with analysis paralysis, avoidance and perfectionism. 


Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

It is when:

  • The challenge aligns with your values

  • You're leveraging your dyslexic strengths

  • The outcome expands your professional horizons

  • Even falling short would teach you valuable lessons

  • The potential growth outweighs your initial discomfort

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