🎧 Podcast Edition: Who Does Superman's Laundry?

✅ The Power of Showing Up Imperfectly

Inquiring minds wanna know!

Did you see the written verison from earlier this week?

Well, now’s your chance - just click below! 

A Holiday Note

For those of you who celebrated Christmas, I hope you had fun with family and friends.

Speaking of fun - did you listen to last week's newsletter podcast?

It's easily one of my favorites. I've actually gone back and listened to it 3X now!

What struck me about the Disco Chicken working a Free Chicken job, was discovering just how personal the message is - after I wrote it. 😆


I set out to write about dyslexia in a way that was different from how dyslexia is usually written about.

I sought to combine education, entertainment and empowerment

Why be just another peacock dressed in a chicken suit?

This review from one of your fellow readers sums it up nicely:

💣 "What I love most is how the newsletter approaches dyslexia—it's not clinical or overwhelming. It feels like having a conversation with a friend: funny, relatable, and full of stress-free lessons that stick" - Juliette

🐔🐔🐔 As we move into the New Year, I'm reminding you and me - don’t be the peacock in a chicken suit! 🦚🦚🦚

Coming Next Week

Next week's issue is different. Coming out on the last day of 2024, that issue will be a look back and breakdown of the articles and podcasts from 2024.

😉 Hint hint - this'll be a great issue to send to fellow dyslexics who you think could benefit from this newsletter.

So look for it next Tuesday Dec 31st at 2PM PST - it's called The Voltage Report

Part of me being my peacock self is using Superman's laundry habits to illustrate the importance of pursuing consistent actions as a method of building self-trust - even if done imperfectly.

Random? For sure…..

😉 But how did I do?  

Listen to this week’s Podcast about Superman’s laundry day!



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