✅ Change a Vowel, Change Your Life

Editor's Note: I didn't catch it until after spending hours developing this concept - WORRIER to WARRIOR isn't just changing one letter, it's rearranging two vowels (O and A). The old me would have scrapped everything and started over.

The new me said: tell you what happened - because I know you can relate. This kind of mix-up is part of the dyslexic experience, and it doesn't lessen the message.

If anything, it makes the point even stronger - sometimes what looks like an error can lead to something meaningful. That's the WARRIOR mindset in action!

Hey LEX!

It can be easy to accept things just as they are.

You come to a point in life where you’re spent, exhausted, Kaput and KO’d!


I’ve thought about that place - the Give Up Place.

What does that look or feel like? To not be going after something….

Don’t get me wrong, I’m the opposite of perfect and have quit before.

I’ve quit jobs, relationships, projects, hobbies….

But never hope, striving or trying for the next thing.

Like my frind Matt always says: Stay busy, Act natural!  

When I think about The Give Up Place, it’s not someone who quits a job to get another or leaves a situation that’s unhealthy.

The GUP is giving up on any inkling of a dream, goal or ambition.

It’s when the air leaves the room along with the Power of Possibility.

Everyone’s had it different; some of us were graced with luck, blessings and/ or priviledges where others weren’t.

Yet the choice remains the same: Give up or Keep Going.

Despite the magnitude of that decision - maybe we start by changing one letter.


We step outside of the anxiety-ridden, not good-enoughness and imposter bubble just long enough to recognize that there is a Warrior in there…

And where there’s a Warrior - there’s a Way.

Alright, alright, alright!

Let’s Podcast-icate…

You can tell I’m getting comfy with the newsletter - Now I just make words up 😂😂😂 

Podcast-ication for everyone 🥳🥳🥳 

Note: This newsletter discusses feelings of giving up, which can sometimes be related to depression or other mental health challenges. This content is not meant to replace professional advice.

If you're struggling with persistent feelings of hopelessness or thoughts of harming yourself, please reach out to a mental health professional or call/text 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (US) which provides 24/7 support.


or to participate.