Change a Vowel, Change Your Life

Editor's Note: I didn't catch it until after spending hours developing this concept - WORRIER to WARRIOR isn't just changing one letter, it's rearranging two vowels (O and A). The old me would have scrapped everything and started over.

The new me said: tell you what happened - because I know you can relate. This kind of mix-up is part of the dyslexic experience, and it doesn't lessen the message.

If anything, it makes the point even stronger - sometimes what looks like an error can lead to something meaningful. That's the WARRIOR mindset in action!

What if your greatest transformation was just One Letter Away? 

The world’s #1 marketer Russell Brunson talks about being "One Funnel Away" from the business breakthrough you desire. 

But for those of us with dyslexia, we're often just ONE LETTER AWAY from unlocking our hidden potential.

The shift from WORRIER to WARRIOR happens with just one vowel, yet it completely transforms how we face challenges. 

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Vowel Movement: One Letter Away

When I discovered my dyslexia at 48, initially, I didn't embrace my Warrior. Instead, my Worrier took center stage. I questioned whether my experience was "valid enough" to warrant having a platform. 

After all, if my dyslexia went undetected for decades, surely it must be too mild to give me the authority to speak on the subject.

My Worrier whispered that my story lacked legitimacy compared to those who'd navigated dyslexia since childhood. He insisted that my late LEX discovery meant I hadn't "suffered enough" to guide others. 

But here's what I found…

The emotional landscape of dyslexia goes beyond time of discovery or diagnosis.

Dyslexics of all backgrounds—whether discovered at 7 or 70—share similar emotional experiences. The doubt, coping mechanisms and isolation connect us all.

My Worrier to Warrior Transformation came once I realized my message wasn’t weakened by when I discovered my LEX—but strengthened by it.

Going from questioning my right to speak to recognizing the value of my perspective—was my "One Letter Away" moment.

Smart Cuts

With dyslexia, you shine at creating workarounds, building memory hacks and delegating challenging tasks.

But what if these same coping mechanisms are actually the foundation of your Zone of Power?

In other words LEX…

Your Short Cuts are Smart Cuts!

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The Worrier to Warrior Shift 

Transforming O's into A's in 3 key areas:

After years of second-guessing your instincts, you've developed a habit of overthinking what comes naturally to your dyslexic mind.

  • Trust your intuitive problem-solving ability instead of overanalyzing every decision.

  • Use your divergent thinking as a tool for innovation rather than a source of confusion.

When facing barriers, your Worrier wants to analyze every potential problem, while your Warrior knows that movement creates momentum.

  • Take one small step toward your goal today—action ends suffering by breaking the paralysis of planning.

  • Focus on progress not perfection—each action builds the confidence to face the next challenge.

The weight of others' judgments has likely influenced your self-perception, but your unique perspective is your greatest asset.

  • Release others' opinions by recognizing they come from their limitations, not your worth.

  • Share your perspective boldly—your unusual thinking is exactly what makes your contribution valuable.

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I’d Like to Buy a Vowel 

Everyday presents us with a choice - the Worrier Mindset vs our Warrior Potential.

Can the difference between feeling trapped and feeling empowered really come down to a simple vowel?

I guess there’s only one way to find out…

What's your ONE LETTER AWAY moment waiting to happen?


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