🎧 From Friction to Function

✅ February's Newsletters ⚡ The Voltage Recap

Scroll down the page for this week’s Podcast Version of the Voltage Recap!

What’s shakin’ LEX!

I don’t know about you but it’s been a busy week.

In all honesty though - I think they all kind of are 😁😁

One thing I’ve been on the lookout for lately though is this quote:

“Do not confuse movement with progress, because you can run in place and not get anything done.”

Denzel Washington

It’s too easy to pretend productivity.

Am I right or am i right?

So, one of the ways I overcome this is by having!

Accountability partners….

Turning that wisdom into motion, I hit the ground running this week with some real Action!

Monday I spoke about the Zone of Power to a warm and generous audience from one of the branches of the International Dyslexia Associations.

I had an amazing time and made some awesome new connections.

It was my first of the year with the goal being - much more Live Talkin’ as part of the 2025 Powered by Dyslexia Experience.

And how about you LEX?

What changes, strides and experiences are you getting into in the next few weeks?

It’s ok not to know but once you do….

👆🏽 Make sure to channel the wise words from Denzel!

✈️ Airport Rules: Hacking Compassion at the Baggage Care-ousel

🛄 Shake it don’t break it 🙃

Also, a special request!  

If this newsletter and podcast have helped you in any way, please help us reach & positively affect more dyslexics by RECORDING OR WRITING a brief review.

⏲️ It only takes 3 minutes

Don’t worry about grammar, flow or creating a masterpiece!

I’ll edit your recording or written review and have you approve it before posting.

Tongue tied? Loosen your lips using word kindling from the list below.

  • Before reading the newsletter/ listening to the podcast, I felt ______________, now I feel_______________________

  • The biggest thing I’ve learned or realized is __________________

  • I’d recommend the Powered by Dyslexia newsletter/ podcast to other dyslex6 because ________

  • What I love about this newsletter/ podcast is __________________

  • The newsletter has helped me __________________

Want to see what others wrote?
👇🏽 Just click & scroll down this page!


Podcast Edition below 👇🏽 Press PLAY!  

Hit me up with questions, comments or free ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s Milk & Cookies) 😉

In Power,


or to participate.